Sunday, June 7, 2009

Letter of the week - Kk

This week we will be hosting a Kk playdate with our playgroup, PALS. Julian is very excited about having his friends over and to get the week started we did some "Kk" activities and some non-Kk activities.

First, we worked on counting and sorting (Math) and I tried to teach him that Abe Lincoln is on the penny and that he was the 16th president, Julian promptly corrected me and told me, "No Mommy, Ba-back Obama is the president and he looks like Little Bill" (For those of you that don't know Little Bill is a cartoon made of Bill Crosby's childhood!)

The Sorting and Counting Tray

Julian did awesome, look at his mouth, he is counting off the pennies.

Next, I showed Julian how to count with his fingers (this will really help in the future...he he...Natasha!). This was fun and he of course loves playing with paint! He had to correspond the right number of fingerprints to match the # in the corner.

The first and only time he will be fingerprinted! :)

Very simple concept, but an awesome counting opportunity (and a lesson in self control, he really wanted to put all the fingers down, but he understood the lesson.)

Later, he painted a Kite and honed in on his fine motor skills, while trying to stay in the lines.

The grand finale of the day, cooking in the KITCHEN, we baked sugar cookies and Julian helped measure out ingredients and mix them.

All this on a Sunday, LOL. We had a lot of fun and I forgot to take pictures of water play this morning! Check back later in the week for updates.


  1. It looks like he was having a blast! The best part is that he was learning and having fun!

  2. Valery you are doing a great job teaching him and it looks like a lot of fun. Funny you mentioned me, at work I am trying to do the math in my head or on paper instead of using the calculator because on the GRE you can't use a calculator so I am trying brush up on my skills. However, I still use my fingers on the difficult ones!! lol love you!!!
